As many Arizona students have returned to in-person learning this fall, schools have developed a range of COVID-19 safety policies, from mask mandates to small-group recess.
Arizona’s charter schools, like public schools, are bound to follow both public health guidance and state law. But in a moment when those two guidelines contradict in some cases, charter schools have in some cases gone their own way.
Here’s what we know so far about COVID-19 safety measures at some of Arizona’s largest charter schools.
The Arizona Republic will continue updating this list and encourages any families, teachers or networks to get in touch with updated information.
Size: 22 campuses,15,800 students.
Mask policy: Masks are strongly encouraged, but not mandatory.
Basic quarantine policy: Students, teachers, and staff who test positive for COVID-19 or are close contacts of a positive case quarantine for 10 days — that’s all students in grades K-12.
COVID-19 case numbers: The charter school network has had 180 positive COVID cases for the current school year, including students, teachers and staff.
Great Hearts
Size: Seven campuses, 5,042 students.
Mask policy: Masks are optional: “Great Hearts recognizes that parents have the right to decide whether or not their child will wear a mask to school.”
Basic quarantine policy: Updated Aug. 31, 2021: A student who was in close contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19 can remain on campus as long as they do not have symptoms. They are advised to wear a mask for 10 days. If a student develops symptoms and tests positive, they can return 10 days after symptoms first appeared or 24 hours after being fever free.
COVID-19 case numbers: Did not respond to a request for comment.
Mask mandates: Why parents are pushing for them at some of Arizona’s biggest charter schools
American Leadership Academy
Size: Nine campuses, 10,771 students.
Mask policy: Parents choose whether students will mask, with the exception of students who have been exposed to COVID-19 and are on campus.
Basic quarantine policy: Students or staff with COVID-19 symptoms must remain home 24 hours after symptoms have resolved. Those who are being treated for the illness must not return to school until 10 days after the onset of the illness, they have been symptom-free for 24 hours or cleared by their medical provider. A negative test is not required to return to school.
COVID-19 case numbers: As of Sept. 3, the network has 35 active cases on its COVID-19 dashboard. The school did not respond to request for comment.
Imagine Schools Inc.
Size: 13 campuses, 4,902 students.
Mask policy: In a document dated Aug. 26, the network said it will: “implement its required face covering policy for students and employees, contractors, and visitors as recommended by CDC.” That policy is in place until Sept. 28.
Basic quarantine policy: Employees and students are expected to stay home for quarantine or isolation if they are sick, test positive for COVID-19 or have been a close contact of a person who tested positive.
COVID-19 case numbers: Did not respond to a request for comment.
Legacy Traditional Schools
Size: 17 schools, 18,964 students.
Mask policy: In an undated message, the network says “students and staff will be expected to wear face coverings while on campus when 6 feet distancing is not possible as required by state/local authorities. If the authorities lift this restriction, face coverings will then become recommended but optional.”
Basic quarantine policy: Legacy schools, in an FAQ for parents on its website, said it works with the local county health department to manage cases. Close contacts of a positive COVID-19 case are excluded from school for 14 days, and students and teachers who were in a class with someone who tested positive for the virus will be notified even if they are not close contacts.
COVID-19 case numbers: Legacy Traditional Schools did not respond to a request for comment.
Edkey Inc.
Size: 19 physical campuses, 8,200 in-person students.
Mask policy: Face masks for students and staff are optional.
Basic quarantine policy: Each school is responsible for its own mitigation plan. There is not an Edkey Inc. “blanket” policy or plan.
COVID-19 case numbers: Since July 1, the network has had 67 positive student cases, and 11 in-person school staff cases.
Reach the reporter at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @yanazure.
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