
By: Danny Lipford

Danny Lipford and Joe Truini present “Today’s Homeowner” radio each week nationwide.

Simple Solutions

Paintbrush Cleaning and Storage Tips – Good-quality paintbrushes will last for many years, if you clean and store them correctly.
First, immediately after using a paintbrush thoroughly rinse it clean in warm water for latex paint, or mineral spirits for oil-based paint.
Then, use a brush comb to rake out the bristles, making sure they’re perfectly straight and not tangled.
Finally, wrap the bristles in newspaper or paper towel and lay flat to dry.

Fast Fix for Sagging Gutter – If you notice that a section of rain gutter is sagging, chances are the spike that holds the gutter in place has pulled free from the fascia board.
The solution is to use pliers to pull out the spike, and then replace it with a long structural screw.
And, if possible, always drive the screw through the fascia and into the end of a rafter tail.

Best New Product

A level is a pretty simple tool so innovating it is a bit of a trick but that’s just what Empire has done with their UltraView LED Torpedo Level.
For starters, it has a ruler and pipe groove which is compatible with any straight edge to extend the working surface for measuring and scribing.
As you would expect, it’s magnetic so it can hold itself in place on metal surfaces, but these are super strong rare earth magnets.
And viewing is made easier with a top view window, which is pretty common on levels today.
What isn’t common are the tiny LEDs that surround the vial, lighting it up in the darkest spots. Imagine working under a sink cabinet or in a dark closet with this thing!
And because you have better things to think about, the automatic shut-off saves battery life by turning off LEDs after three minutes.
All in all a pretty handy addition to your toolbox.

You can purchase this product at The Home Depot.

Hour 1

Bonnie in CT
Can you install crushed stone over an existing (in bad shape) asphalt driveway?

Kirk in PA
What is the best, easiest and least expensive way to paint or refinish bathroom wall tile?

Watch and Learn: Painting Ceramic Tile Walls

While you can paint over ceramic tile walls, don’t paint a ceramic tile floor, as it won’t hold up. Watch video.

Bob in TN
We have a problem with wood boring wasps. They’re really fast moving and we’re finding little piles of sawdust everywhere. How do we get rid of them?

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Today’s Homeowner Radio Show for Aug. 18, 2018


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