Tempe ranks as the best Arizona city for recent college grads to launch their careers, according to a new study. 

And with one of the largest universities within its borders, it’s a safe bet that plenty of Arizona State University grads will do just that.

Zippia, a job-search website, pulled together the ranking with Census data in four major areas:

  • Population.
  • Unemployment.
  • Percent of the population that are Millennials.
  • Cost of living.

The study only focused on cities with populations larger than 50,000. 

However, an Arizona city did not make the top 10 best cities. 


What is the average rent paid by Phoenix-Metro residents?

Top 10 cities

  1. Fargo, North Dakota
  2. Madison, Wisconsin
  3. Midland, Texas
  4. Lincoln, Nebraska
  5. Columbia, Missouri
  6. Norman, Oklahoma
  7. Anchorage, Alaska
  8. Lafayette, Louisianna
  9. Provo, Utah
  10. Duluth, Minnesota

Tempe may have a higher median income of $50,474 annually than the No. 1 pick but Fargo beats them in another area: rent. 

The study puts average rent in Fargo at $727 per month, while Rent Cafe places Tempe’s average monthly rent at $1,200. 

Reach the reporter at [email protected]. Follow on Twitter: @JerodMacEvoy



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