For supporters of Philip Brailsford, the recent announcement that the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the former Mesa police officer’s shooting of an unarmed man begging for his life is just part of being a law-enforcement officer. 

Nate Gafvert, Mesa police union president, said officers are not worried and are confident the DOJ will find no wrongdoing. In December, a Maricopa County jury found Brailsford, 27, not guilty of second-degree murder in connection with the killing of 26-year-old Texas resident Daniel Shaver.

“It’s unfortunate, but we’re used to something like this and we’re not surprised to go through additional investigation after the trial,” Gafvert said. “It comes with the territory of being a police officer.”

Brailsford’s lawyer, Michael Piccarreta, called the move politically motivated. 


Mesa police have released footage from Officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford’s body camera of the fatal shooting of an unarmed Texas man at a hotel in 2016. This edited video shows the moments leading up Daniel Shaver’s death. Mesa Police Department

But legal- and criminal-studies professors say Brailsford and the Mesa Police Department should take the case seriously.

Even though they say it’s rare for federal prosecutors to bring charges against police officers for their use of force, it could put the department on notice for how their officers are trained and could make officers think twice before using deadly force.

They also say the DOJ wouldn’t look into the case if prosecutors didn’t have reasons to suspect a crime may have been committed. The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office reached that decision, charging Brailsford with second-degree murder when it determined the shooting was not justified. A jury concluded otherwise.

RELATED: Mesa police: Justice Department investigating shooting of Daniel Shaver

On Thursday evening, Detective Steve Berry, a Mesa police spokesman, confirmed the Mesa Police Department was subpoenaed by the DOJ, which requested all documentation related to the Jan. 18, 2016, shooting involving Brailsford.

Berry described the matter as a civil-rights investigation against the officer and that the department was fully cooperating. He did not say when the federal probe was opened. 

Legal experts weigh in

“If they don’t pursue a case, it still sends a chill through law enforcement,” said Eugene O’Donnell, a professor at New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “And that’s a good thing that somebody else is looking over your shoulder when you’re out on the street and that there’s another layer of oversight.”

John Eterno, a criminal-justice professor and associate dean at Molloy College in Rockville Centre, New York, said federal prosecutors may think the shooting of Shaver needs more scrutiny.

“They would only get involved if they feel there is enough for them to question the shooting,” Eterno said. 

President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have called for the federal government to interfere less with police departments’ policies. But the Justice Department still is at liberty to initiate investigations if federal prosecutors believe a person’s constitutional rights were violated, legal experts say.

“Those investigations happen regardless of political administrations,” said Stephen Rushin, an assistant professor of law at Loyola University Chicago. 

MORE: Ex-Mesa officer found not guilty in fatal shooting

On Friday, the DOJ declined to comment on the Mesa Police Department’s announcement.

“The Department of Justice generally does not confirm, deny or otherwise comment on the existence of an investigation,” said Nicole Navas Oxman, a DOJ spokeswoman.


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Other shooting investigations

It’s not clear what sparked the DOJ investigation into the Brailsford shooting. But such investigation can be common, O’Donnell said

“I think they routinely open cases, but the question is, to what end?” he said.

In some cases, it could take several months or even years before federal prosecutors decide to do anything, O’Donnell said.

Such cases more than likely end with no charges, he added, because there is a high standard of proof. In the Mesa case, that would mean proving Brailsford shot and killed Daniel Shaver while knowing it was illegal, he said.

“It would be an examination of evidence if the officer willfully killed Shaver and if he knew what he did was wrong and did it anyway,” O’Donnell said.

In one example, the DOJ said in July 2016 it opened an investigation into the shooting of Loreal Tsingine. The 27-year-old resident of the Navajo Nation was shot and killed by a Winslow police officer.

READ MORE: Pain, frustration linger after Loreal Tsingine’s death

On Friday, the DOJ spokeswoman didn’t reply to questions about the status of the federal investigation into the former Winslow officer, Austin Shipley, who killed the woman.

Another example of stakeholders waiting for the outcome of a federal investigation into a police action that resulted in someone’s death is the case of Eric Garner. His family has been waiting for nearly four years on the prosecutors’ decision to file charges against New York police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who put Garner in a choke hold that led to his death in July 2014.


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Officer acquitted of county charge

In his trial, Brailsford, who was fired from the Mesa Police Department after the shooting, testified he fired his AR-15 five times at Shaver because it appeared he was reaching for a weapon.

The shooting occurred after police were called to a Mesa La Quinta Inn & Suites on reports of a person pointing a gun out a fifth-floor window. A couple in a hotel hot tub told staff they saw a silhouette of a person with a gun pointed toward a nearby highway.

Police had later determined that Shaver was intoxicated and had two pellet guns in his room, which he used as a pest-control worker. He was in his room with two guests to whom he had shown them one of his pellet guns.

Police video shows police confronting, shooting unarmed man
Shaver widow: ‘Horrible’ video made people care

The police body-camera video shows Shaver appeared confused by some of a supervising sergeant’s commands when he exited his hotel room. Brailsford was among six officers on the scene.

At one point, while Shaver was on his knees, he put his hands behind his back and was ordered to put his hands back up in the air or he would get shot, the video shows.

Shaver began to cry and said, “Please don’t shoot me.”

Trying to follow Sgt. Charles Langley’s commands, Shaver began to crawl on his hands and knees toward the officers, the video shows. But Shaver stopped crawling and raised his right hand near his waistband, which Brailsford said prompted him to fire.

Mesa Mayor John Giles said in a statement Friday that the Police Department will cooperate with federal investigators.

“I respect the legal process and have confidence that a thorough review of the case will provide fair results,” he said. “Our police department continues to evaluate procedures, policies and training to ensure our officers provide our residents with the highest level of service. We have one of the best police departments in the country, and I thank them for keeping our community safe every day.”

Amanda Jacinto, a spokeswoman for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, which prosecuted Brailsford, didn’t respond to an email from The Arizona Republic seeking comment. 

Laney Sweet, Shaver’s widow, and her lawyer, Mark Geragos, didn’t return messages from The Republic seeking comment. Sweet has a pending $75 million wrongful-death lawsuit against the city of Mesa and the Police Department.

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Widow seeks $75 million for fatal Mesa police shooting of husband

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