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A presidential pardon may be imminent for former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, according to a Fox News interview with President Donald Trump posted Monday morning.

Arpaio, 85, was convicted of criminal contempt two weeks ago after a judge found he had defied a court order intended to stamp out his signature immigration patrols.

Arpaio last week told The Arizona Republic he would accept a pardon from Trump, but wasn’t going to ask for it. He wondered aloud whether the president had yet caught wind of his legal woes.

MORE: What could happen to Joe Arpaio?

It appears he has.

“I am seriously considering a pardon for Sheriff Arpaio,” the president reportedly told Fox News at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J. “He has done a lot in the fight against illegal immigration. He’s a great American patriot and I hate to see what has happened to him.”


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Arpaio is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 5 and could spend up to six months in jail. Though his attorneys are planning on appealing the conviction, a presidential pardon would be the swiftest exit from the case.

Trump told the network the pardon could come as early as this week.

“Is there anyone in local law enforcement who has done more to crack down on illegal immigration than Sheriff Joe?” Trump told the Fox reporter. “He has protected people from crimes and saved lives. He doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.”

MORE: Joe Arpaio’s guilty verdict: What his supporters, critics are saying

Arpaio was one of the earliest and most vocal champions of Trump during the presidential campaign, and he introduced Trump at Mesa and Fountain Hills rallies. The former Maricopa County sheriff also stumped for his political ally across the country, traveling to Cleveland last year to speak at the Republican National Convention and to Washington D.C., in January for his inauguration.

“I have not called (Trump) on this issue,” Arpaio said last week. “I’m sure I could. … I’m with him, pardon no pardon, and not asking him.”

The two share hard-line stances on illegal immigration and seem to have a warm personal relationship, as well. In a December interview with The Republic, Arpaio fondly recounted how Trump personally called to check in when he heard Arpaio’s wife, Ava, had cancer.

Arpaio last week made his rounds in local media and conservative news sites, posing the issue of a pardon and reigniting a long-standing conversation about whether Trump will flex his executive powers for his political buddy.

U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton last month used Arpaio’s own words to find that he had intentionally flouted a 2011 federal judge’s order stemming from a racial-profiling case against the office.

The order directed deputies to either arrest or release those they believed to be in the country illegally. Essentially, they could detain individuals if only they were suspected of a state crime.

But federal prosecutors said Arpaio’s deputies continued rounding up people without evidence of a state crime, turning over more than 170 to federal immigration authorities.


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