The Phoenix Zoo’s long-time Percheron draft horse named Jack died after 15 years at the facility, the zoo announced Friday In a statement published across social media.

Jack was 29 years old, living longer than the average lifespan of a horse his size, according to the statement. Jack was euthanized due to declining health.

“With the combination of his age and size, the circulation to his hooves had decreased, causing irreversible deterioration with the internal structures of one foot that would ultimately render him unable to stand,” according to the Phoenix Zoo statement.

“After providing our best efforts to ease his discomfort, he was humanely euthanized because of declining quality of life,” the statement continued.

Jack was acquired by the zoo in 2004 and would often give carriage rides for weddings there. In 2016, Jack retired to help out with the zoo’s Horse Hands program where he would be groomed by young kids.

According to the statement, Jack was known for his “stoic workhorse mentality” and gentle disposition.

“He was an amazing animal that touched the hearts of many guests and staff,” according to the Phoenix Zoo statement. “He will be greatly missed.”

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