Phoenix Elementary School District’s board voted 3-2 Thursday night to reject a proposal to move ahead with a plan to close three district schools.
Administrators had said the closures could have helped the district financially as it struggles with declining enrollment.
However, parents, teachers and students stepped up to the podium at Thursday’s meeting to fiercely oppose a plan to close the three schools.
Board members were voting on whether to set public hearings to hear feedback about the proposal, but several said Thursday they did not want to move the plan any further.
More than 100 people crammed into the governing board room next to Emerson Elementary’s campus, one of the schools facing closure at the end of the school. Dunbar School and Faith North preschool also risk closure at the end of this school year.
Some wore Emerson’s color, green. Others wore a shade of bright red, signifying #RedForEd. At least a dozen people stood in the back of the room and others crowded into an overflow room.
Teachers, parents and even elementary school students pleaded their case to keep all three schools open. An eighth-grade Emerson student in tears received a standing ovation after she asked board members and the district superintendent to drop their plans.
“It hurts students to see teachers anxious, stressed and heartbroken,” Valerie Hurtado, the student, said.
The plan presented would move Emerson students to Whittier Elementary, Dunbar students to Bethune Elementary and Faith North preschoolers to schools across the district.
School district leaders have said long-declining school enrollment numbers are due to a collision of forces: Decreasing birth rates, an increase in the number of charter schools competing for students in central Phoenix and soaring housing prices driving families out of district boundaries.
“We know that there’s changes to the downtown area,” Larry Weeks, the district’s superintendent, said during the meeting. “You can see it.”
‘It’s a neighborhood school’
Many of the community members who rallied on Thursday to halt the proposed closures shared stories of teachers who inspired them and campuses that embraced them.
One family told board members and the superintendent that Emerson’s program was the only one they found that adequately served their son, who is on the autism spectrum. Another district parent, Caleb Reed, said he heard about a group of students offering a principal their spare change to keep their school open.
“When the news hit…my heart sank,” he said. “I was immediately heartbroken for the hundreds of students that will be displaced.”
Gwendolyn Payton told The Arizona Republic that she attended Dunbar School. The school was built by the Phoenix Union Elementary School District in 1925 originally to accommodate black students. It is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
“It’s a neighborhood school,” she said. “It would be stressful for (students) to try and go to another school.”
Dunbar is 95 years old. Teacher Lori Nielsen asked, “How could we even consider closing a school right when It’s getting ready to celebrate 100 years?”
A handful of people, at least two who identified themselves as district employees, said they realized shuttering schools is a tough decision, but believed it was the right decision.
“I don’t really see it as closures, I see it more as a merger,” said Nadine Gofonia, who said she worked in the district. “And we’re all going to be working together.”
Losing students
The district in central Phoenix is home to 14 schools and more than 6,000 students. School administrators said they’ve been confronted with a dim reality: Enrollment at Phoenix Elementary has declined over a decade, and the three schools on the chopping block are hardly near capacity.
The district’s total enrollment has declined by 17% over five years. Enrollment at Emerson has declined by 20% and enrollment at Dunbar has declined by 13%.
District Spokeswoman Sara Bresnahan said birth rates within district boundaries have dramatically fallen, from 1,300 children born annually before the Great Recession to 900 children born annually in more recent years.
Charter schools, like ASU Prep, have compounded the district’s enrollment problem.
The district leases a school to ASU Prep on Fillmore and Seventh Streets in downtown Phoenix.
In 2018, the district and charter clashed over rent negotiations. Phoenix Elementary leaders claimed they were charging rent significantly lower than market rate and wanted to charge an increased rate, while ASU Prep leaders said they couldn’t afford the rate the district proposed. The two parties settled at a higher rate, but still lower than what the district proposed.
Rising rent in central Phoenix may also affect district enrollment. While more apartment buildings are being constructed, particularly around the downtown area, many aren’t suited or priced for families, district spokeswoman Sara Bresnahan said.
But some of the public speakers from the community questioned whether the district’s enrollment problems were dire enough to shutter schools at the end of the school year.
Joseph Fuentes, a teacher at another school in the district, Garfield, asked the leaders if they had plans to increase enrollment or if they could come up with an innovative solution rather than close schools.
“I’m sure that our district didn’t get to this point overnight, which means there’s an oversight problem” he said. “Closing schools should be the last resort.”
Reach the reporter at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @LilyAlta.
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