The Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website was down Monday night.

It had remained online for much of the day Monday after being dumped by Scottsdale-based GoDaddy and then Google, which provided domain registry for the site.

GoDaddy officials said Monday the site violated their terms of service and, as promised Sunday, the domain was transferred to another company.

Domain-name registry services allow people to access the site’s content by linking the address to the actual computer hosting the content. GoDaddy did not host the company’s information on its services.

GoDaddy’s move came after the Daily Stormer published an article Sunday using sexist and obscene language to demean Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman who was killed when a car driven by an alleged white supremacist mowed down a crowd of people after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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The site was formed in 2013 and contains a variety of content under headines such as “Race War” and “Jewish Problem.” The homepage depicts a white video-game character punching a black character.

“GoDaddy does not condone content that advocates expressions of hate, racism, bigotry,” said Ben Butler, director of GoDaddy’s digital crimes unit. “However, we generally do not take action on complaints that would constitute censorship of content and that represents the exercise of freedom of speech and expression on the Internet. While we detest the sentiment of such sites, we support a free and open Internet and, similar to the principles of free speech, that sometimes means allowing such tasteless, ignorant content.”

He said the recent content on the Daily Stormer “crossed the line” by encouraging violence.


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“In instances where a site goes beyond the mere exercise of these freedoms, however, and crosses over to promoting, encouraging, or otherwise engaging in violence against any person, we will take action,” he said.

A domain-registry search tool on Monday showed the services were transferred to Google, which also said the site violated its terms of service and removed it.  

MORE: President Trump condemns white supremacists after Charlottesville violence

Daily Stormer’s producer Andrew Anglin on Monday posted a message that ignored the rebuke from GoDaddy, and instead blamed a brief disruption on the site as the work of the international computer-hacking group Anonymous.

Anonymous, which has no formal leadership structure but does have Twitter accounts associated with it, tweeted Monday that it was unaware of any of its followers hacking the site. The tweet suggested Anglin was faking the hack on his site.

“This is likely to be the derps from dailystormer engaging in a silly troll to woo their clueless base,” the Anonymous tweet said. “If we’re proven wrong, so be it.”


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