Maricopa County’s NAACP president has obtained a court order of protection against another NAACP officer who she said left bruises on her arm in a June incident, according to a court document.

Ann Hart filed the order against Charles Fanniel, alleging that Fanniel forcefully grabbed her arm after a June NAACP meeting and claiming that he had threatened her on several other occasions. 

Fanniel, in a written court response, said Hart’s claims were false. He accused her of lying in order to deflect from his criticism of her actions as chapter president, documents state. 

Both Hart and Fanniel are listed as executive board members of the county’s NAACP branch. Fanniel also is listed as state president.

Hart filed the request on June 24 in Phoenix Municipal Court. It was approved by the court and served to Fanniel on Monday, court records said. 

The court order prohibits Fanniel from going into or near Hart’s home, workplace or the community recreation center where the alleged incident occurred. 

In a statement filed with her request, Hart wrote the incident occurred on June 17 in the presence of 13 other NAACP members.

Hart wrote that Fanniel screamed at her “in an intimidating manner” before staring her down “in a demonic state” for around two minutes, records said.

Hart said she was “extremely frightened” and “feared for my life” after the incident, according to court records.

After the meeting adjourned, Hart alleged that Fanniel harassed and followed her as she attempted to leave the lobby of the South Mountain Senior Center at 212 E. Alta Vista Road. 

Hart said Fanniel grabbed her by her upper left arm, which she said left multiple bruises on her arm, court records said.

Phoenix police confirmed that a police report was filed following the incident, but hadn’t released the records as of Friday evening after a request from The Arizona Republic. 

Hart alleged four other incidents involving Fanniel, including one in December where Hart claims Fanniel backed her up against her car and screamed at her to “back off, because I’ve been in this game for over 10 years.” 

Hart became president of the Maricopa County chapter following the resignation of former county leader Don Harris in 2016.

Harris was forced to step down after a Phoenix New Times reporter recorded him making a lewd comment about a female reporter. 


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Fanniel responded to the court order in a July 17 letter to the court that accused Hart of fabricating the incidents and claiming the bruise Hart received on June 24 was self-inflicted.

Fanniel said he was not in Hart’s presence for three of the dates Hart listed in her statement to the court, adding he never has been hostile or violent toward Hart.

“There was frustration shown on a couple of occasions but I never touched her as she alleges,” wrote Fanniel.

Fanniel said Hart’s statements were “completely false” and alleged that they were an attempt by Hart to deflect attention after he accused her and other members of the Maricopa County branch of violating the NAACP constitution.

“Her whole entire purpose is to try and defame me and destroy my character,” Fanniel wrote.

Fanniel stated that he also requested an injunction of his own against Hart because of alleged harassment, but that it was denied “because I did not lie or fabricate the numbers about prior confrontations or occurrences.”

Fanniel requested a hearing on the matter, which is scheduled for Aug. 1 at the Phoenix Municipal Court.

Hart and Fanniel did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Republic.

Hart previously served as deputy associate superintendent for the Arizona Department of Education.

Fanniel currently runs a clothing store with his wife called Fanniel Fashions in Phoenix.


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