Former Cavaliers general manager David Griffin opened up about Kyrie Irving and his former team on ESPN Monday.

Griffin, who appeared on ESPN’s The Jump, said that “I think Kyrie’s going to end up getting traded.”

Irving, a point guard for Cleveland, has been the source of constant rumors since word got out that he asked to be traded from the Cavs last month.

The Phoenix Suns have been one team in the middle of the speculation.

YOUR TAKE: Get this Kyrie Irving trade done, Suns?

More from Griffin’s appearance on the show:

On criticism of Irving’s ability to lead a team:

“That’s fair criticism,” Griffin said. “I don’t think he’s figured out how to carry the mantle of a team and actually win games in that environment. None of the players on that team had learned out to do it before LeBron got there.”

On Irving showing courage with request:

“He went to (Cavaliers owner) Dan Gilbert privately and told him he thought he would be happier somewhere else,” Griffin said. “The absolute worst thing this guy could’ve done was to pretend to be all in and sink the ship from within. Most guys don’t have the courage to do what he did. That’s not youth and ignorance, that’s a little bit more courage than people give him credit for.”

On Irving’s mindset:

“I think this is a guy who wants to know how good he can be,” Griffin said. “LeBron casts a very large shadow over an organization and most of it is really, really positive. You know you’re expected to win a championship. But what that doesn’t always allow is for a player like Kyrie to test his boundaries a little bit and see how good he can really be. ‘Can I actually be the front man of a team like that?'”

MORE IRVING: Suns most consider Irving’s desire to play out contract

MOORE: Suns shouldn’t give up Josh Jackson for Kyrie Irving

BICKLEY: Suns should accelerate timeline and trade for Kyrie Irving

MORE: Trade Bledsoe? Suns fans weigh in | Include Jackson in deal?

USA TODAY Sports’ Kevin Spain contributed to this story.

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