Hundreds of people gathered near the Arizona state Capitol on Monday calling for an end to Gov. Doug Ducey’s stay-at-home order that closed non-essential businesses in March.   

The Patriot’s Day Rally — hosted by a group called Reopen Arizona — started at noon Monday at the Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza near the state Capitol in Phoenix. American flags and Trump campaign paraphernalia were abundant as people streamed into the plaza before marching across the street to the state Capitol, demanding businesses reopen and employees be allowed to return to work.

The event took place a day after Operation Gridlock Arizona, where roughly 100 cars circled the plaza, people honked their horns, held up protest signs and called for businesses to reopen.

No arrests or citations were made in relation to Monday’s rally, according to Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesman Bart Graves.

After marchers circled the state Capitol, dozens of protesters crowded into the lobby of the Executive Tower. Daniel McCarthy, who is running in a primary for the U.S. Senate seat held by Republican Martha McSally, attempted to get to Ducey’s office.

He later told the crowd, in a livestream posted on the AZ Patriots Facebook page, that the effort was not successful.

“He won’t come out. He won’t talk to us. He won’t answer the phone,” McCarthy told the crowd. He said the crowd needed to keep the pressure on state officials.

He led them in a chant: “Re-open Arizona.”


Hundreds of people staged a rally near the Arizona Capitol to call for an end to Gov. Ducey’s stay-at-home order.

Arizona Republic

Attendees demand immediate reopening 

Edwin Gonzales said he works with foster kids for a living and that while Ducey’s executive order hasn’t impacted his job, he wants the economy to open.

“If you don’t have anybody working, nothing’s going to happen,” Gonzales said.

Gonzales said he felt Ducey had done well, but argued the governor should listen to the rally’s attendees.

“I think he’s done well,” Gonzales said. “But this is citizens speaking up.”

Jeremy Graham, a sports business major at Arizona State University, said he feared he would enter a distressed job market once he graduated this summer and argued stay-at-home orders violated the U.S. Constitution. 

“The Bill of Rights are being trampled,” Graham said. “The Bill of Rights has no exceptions for pandemics.”

Kaci Carlson, a mother of five, said government officials should let people decide whether they want to quarantine themselves or patronize businesses. 

“I want to fight for our freedom and freedom to choose if we want to be exposed to the virus — that’s our choice,” Carlson said. “And if people are scared, then they’re welcome to stay home with the mask. If they have a compromised immune system or they’re over 65 years old, by all means stay home with the mask. But it shouldn’t force the rest of us to stay home.”

But Sam Craw, wearing a mask, said he came to see the rally firsthand but disagreed with arguments to open businesses immediately. Rather, Craw said reopening the economy would likely need to be in stages once testing is more available, echoing what most health experts recommend.

“I don’t think our economy needs to be opened at this moment,” Craw said. “I think we need to do what the governor is saying, which is roll out slowly. It’s not a light switch. You can’t just flip it on.”


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Nurse protests the protesters

Amid the chants and car horns stood several nurses wearing face masks and scrubs with stoic expressions.

Jasmine Bhatti, a nurse at a Valley hospital and a PhD student at ASU, said she came to represent the people who suffered and died from COVID-19. She said watching videos of similar protests in Colorado and Michigan only aggravated her frustration.

“It was just very disheartening that people were blocking entrances to hospitals and not letting people get in to get the care that they need,” Bhatti said. “I just — I want to be here for that voice of people who are no longer with us, that have died from this, the people that are in the hospital suffering from it and our colleagues who are putting our lives on the line every day to take care of these people.”

Bhatti said she understood why some people were desperate for life to return to normal, but impressed upon the need for people to stay home to save lives until testing is far more prevalent. 

“I understand where they’re coming from,” Bhatti said. “It’s scary to lose your job and it’s not easy to be quarantined in your house and have limited availability of things in society that we usually have. But at the same token, it’s so sad for me to sit here and look at people who are honking and they’re laughing and they’re smiling and it’s like they think this is funny.”

Bhatti said she wished there were a way for people visit a hospital and witness the suffering and death COVID-19 has inflicted. 

“They say ‘walk a mile in a man’s shoes,’ and just wish that they could see what it is that our nurses and physician colleagues are seeing every single day.”

State politicians decry stay-at-home order

State politicians and political candidates castigated Ducey’s decision to close non-essential businesses and demanded that he open the economy immediately.

Sen. David Farnsworth, R-Mesa, cast the decision whether to reopen the state’s business in stark terms, painting it as part of a long-lasting struggle between good and evil.

“Satan is behind it all,” Farnsworth said to the crowd. “He wants to control it all. He hates liberty.”

Farnsworth said that liberty was given to citizens by God. “Those powers are from God and we need to preserve them,” he said.

Farnsworth said that he hoped for future rallies with larger crowds if Ducey does not open the state by May 1.

Nicholas Tutora, a Republican running for Congress against Democratic incumbent Greg Stanton, said he lost his mother to the virus. She died in a nursing home in New York City, he told the crowd.

Still, he said, the deaths in what he called a vulnerable population were no reason to shut down the state’s economy.

“Let’s stand up for America. This is 1776 all over again,” he told the crowd. “Do not take this lying down. Once they take our liberty, we are never getting it back and we are not going to let that happen.”

McCarthy told the crowd the time for talk about the shutdown was over.

“It’s time for the governor to reopen Arizona now,” he said. “We don’t want phases. We don’t need bureaucracy. We don’t need any of it. What we need is the governor of Arizona to reopen this state now.”

Rep. Kelly Townsend said the protest was not originally planned to feature speeches. But, she learned a Winslow business owner was in the crowd. That business owner, Daniel Mazon, who was reportedly cited by that city’s police department for keeping his Southwest Indian Art Center open.

Townsend, in a phone interview after the event, said she was able to finagle a microphone so Mazon could address the crowd. Other people then took the opportunity to speak, she said.

A man who identified himself as a Vietnam veteran, and wore a jacket declaring the same, told the crowd that he fought socialists and Communists in that war. He suggested taking up arms against those same enemies in the U.S.

“All I’m asking you is to vote them out,” he said, referring to Democratic politicians. “I don’t want to have to shoot them again.”

Townsend said she did not endorse the suggestion of assassination of politicians by the veteran, whom she did not know by name. She said she also didn’t feel it proper to publicly disassociate herself from the remarks when she had the microphone again after he spoke.

“Everybody has the right to say their peace,” she said. “We have the right to not agree with them.”

Reach the reporter Perry Vandell at 602-444-2474 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @PerryVandell.

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