HonorHealth in Scottsdale unveiled a sculpture Friday intended to recognize health care workers combating the COVID-19 pandemic, but the hospital removed the piece Saturday following criticism that the work was offensive to Asians because of its depiction of a Chinese dragon to symbolize the pandemic’s origins.
The sculpture — which was created by HonorHealth staffer Vincent Russo — depicts a dragon wrapped around a masked health care worker carrying a sphere or orb.
Controversy surrounding the sculpture was first reported by Justin Lum of Fox 10, who on Saturday received confirmation from an HonorHealth spokesperson that the sculpture was no longer being displayed after “the symbol of the Chinese dragon was interpreted negatively among our Asian community.”
“Just as we do not turn any culture, race or religion away from being treated at our hospitals, we would not want to discriminate toward anyone in that same light,” said an HonorHealth statement that Lum posted on Twitter.
The company also apologized and said it removed its social media posts about the sculpture, according to its statement to Lum.
Lum is vice president of the Arizona Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association, and said his views were not representing FOX. The AAJA issued a statement that it was disturbed by the sculpture.
Lum explained in an email to The Arizona Republic why the statue is offensive.
“As a proud Asian American, I can’t interpret the meaning of the statue any other way. This piece of ‘art’ is negative and divisive. The sculpture associated the COVID-19 virus with the Chinese dragon — a powerful symbol in our culture, now appearing to be some sort of villain,” Lum said.
“Displaying this statue is dangerous because it allows the scapegoating to continue,” he continued. “Shifting blame to Asian Americans once again and the (Asian American, Pacific Islander) community has already experienced this for more than a year.”
He said he and AAJA appreciate HonorHealth’s decision not to display the sculpture, but can’t understand how the piece of art was given a spotlight.
“It comes off absolutely tone deaf as incidents of hate against the AAPI community continue across the country,” he said. “Diversity matters.”
Neither a spokesperson for HonorHealth nor Russo immediately responded to inquiries from The Arizona Republic on Sunday.
But Russo addressed the controversy on Facebook. He said that there was no intent to “hurt or diminish others” and that he began planning for the sculpture a year ago before the recent shootings in Atlanta made violence against Asian Americans a prominent subject in the news.
“The retrospective analysis indicates that more thoughtful and respectful use of the iconology involved could have been employed,” Russo wrote. “Although I am personally disappointed, I completely agree with HonorHealth’s decision to remove my sculpture and I apologize to the great institution of HonorHealth that demonstrated such leadership during this pandemic. My sculpture was meant to be respectful and was meant to honor the healthcare worker who has sacrificed so much in this past year and mark the historic nature of world events.”
He continued: “Art is meant to be personal and stimulate discussion. I had hoped my art would be a positive influence on society and people of all races. I regret that my intentions were misconstrued.”
Bronze unveiled on Friday
In a news release from HonorHealth about the sculpture’s unveiling on Friday afternoon, Russo was described as one of its longtime medical staff members and orthopedic surgeon.
The news release included a link to a video of the sculpture’s unveiling at HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center, which was met with applause by those in attendance.
“I know he created this from his heart and from a deep desire to pay tribute,” said HonorHealth Chief Executive Officer Todd LaPorte moments before the unveiling. “The imagery is as bold as your effort was.”
LaPorte later said duplicates of the sculpture would be displayed at each of HonorHealth’s five other medical centers; however, its unclear if any of those were also unveiled.
During his speech, Russo explained that he selected the mythological dragon “to depict the origin of the virus.” The orb, he said, was meant to represent wisdom while “the healthcare heroin” represented all who fought against COVID-19.
“This sculpture is a tribute marking this unusual time in history and the devotion and sacrifice of all those who serve to fight this deadly virus,” Russo said to conclude his speech. “I want to thank HonorHealth for the privilege of expressing this story through my artwork and providing the leadership that we experience firsthand in our community and in Arizona.”
Reach the reporter at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @curtis_chels.
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