Election night party for Corey Woods, who leads in the Tempe mayor’s race.

Arizona Republic

Tempe will have a new mayor for the first time in eight years as Corey Woods unseated Mark Mitchell in Tuesday’s election.

Woods was surrounded by about 100 people at the home of a supporter. The crowd erupted in cheers and hugs as results were posted. 

“We collectively did it,” Woods told supporters. “This was not about one person. It was about bringing a new day … to the city of Tempe.” 

Woods has said he ran for mayor to continue building on the work he started when he served on the City Council from 2008 to 2016.

His campaign focused on affordable housing, historic preservation, responsible economic development and social services. 

Woods set up an early roadblock for Mitchell, who ran unopposed in 2016. Woods received the endorsement of neighborhood leaders, sitting and former city, legislative and congressional leaders and the Tempe Chamber of Commerce.

Woods would be the city’s first African American mayor. 

Newcomer Doreen Garlid, a former KSAZ-TV Fox 10 business manager, was leading in the race for three open council seats, followed by incumbents Joel Navarro and Randy Keating.

The preliminary results include ballots received by the Maricopa County Elections Department as of at least Friday. The election was conducted by mail, but voters could drop off ballots and cast provisional ballots on election day. Those still must be counted.

Results will be updated by 5 p.m. every day until all ballots are counted.


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‘A new day’ in Tempe 

Woods on Tuesday thanked his supporters, including the current and former elected officials who he said have offered support and guidance since he first got into politics. 

Former mayors Neil Giuliano and Hugh Hallman were among those in the crowd. 

Giuliano said Woods “is going to be phenomenal for our city.” 

Hallman said Woods is going to “bring this entire city back together again.” 

Mitchell called Woods to concede the race before 9 p.m.

Mitchell has led Tempe since 2012 and spent three terms on the council before that. He’s the son of longtime Tempe leader Harry Mitchell.

“Obviously I’m disappointed, but it’s been a good run,” Mitchell said. “I’ve been fortunate to be the mayor of the city I grew up in. I have great friends and supporters, and I would have liked to continue to be mayor, but it wasn’t meant to be at this time.”

Mitchell said that he would leave Tempe in a better place than when he became mayor. Still, he said there was more he had hoped to work on.

Mitchell said he hopes to continue serving and advocating for the city in other areas. 

Newcomer leads council race

Garlid, who leads the race for three council seats, would be the first Native American to serve on the council. 

She has been involved in the community for three decades, serving on various boards and commissions. Her priorities are giving neighborhoods a voice, improving public safety and advocating for more affordable housing. 

Navarro, a Phoenix firefighter who has served on the council since 2008, garnered the second most votes on Tuesday. He has focused on public safety, neighborhood issues and recreation.

Keating, who seeks a second term, grabbed the third most votes. Keating has led efforts to redevelop the Broadway Industrial Corridor, helped devise regulations and safety rules for electric scooters and has been an advocate for more businesses in south Tempe where he lives. 

Attorney Casey Clowes and musician Marc Norman trailed in the race. 

All-mail race

The candidates had met with voters outside the voting site at Pyle Adult Recreation Center on Tuesday in a last ditch effort to chase down votes.

Shelly Dickens, a Tempe voter dropping off her ballot Tuesday afternoon, said she is happy with how the city is run and feels that city leaders pay attention to the community’s needs. She was OK with either mayoral candidate winning, she said.

Dickens brought her two children with her to show them what the voting process looks like and to instill upon them the importance of exercising their voting rights. 

“You can’t complain about who is in office if you don’t vote,” she said, and added that for her it was important to vote because her ancestors had fought for the right to vote.

Tol Cheshko, 90, said he has never missed voting in a city election in the 53 years he has lived in Tempe, he said.

Though he mailed in his ballot last week, Cheshko went to the voting center to check out the scene. He said he appreciates Tempe for its progressive candidates and felt either mayoral candidate would be good for the role because of their experience in city politics.

Reach reporter Paulina Pineda at [email protected] or 602-444-8130. Follow her on Twitter: @paulinapineda22.

Republic reporter Lorraine Longhi contributed to this article. 

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