Top White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow downplayed trade tensions between the US and key allies ahead of the G-7 Summit in Canada, saying it’s “much like a family quarrel.” (June 6)

In contrast to harsh Twitter posts about trade coming from the White House, Canada has produced a short — and cheery — YouTube video that touts the benefits of NAFTA for Americans, with an accompanying press release highlighting some advantages for Arizona.

The one-minute, 22-second video from the Canadian Embassy in Washington asserts that NAFTA trade has created 33 million middle-class jobs in the United States. It also cites $2 billion worth of goods crossing the U.S.-Canadian border each day, along with more than 400,000 people.

“Together, as friends and allies, we can grow our economies, create good-paying jobs and continue a tradition of shared prosperity that has come to define the relationship between our two countries,” the video states, noting that Canada is “America’s biggest customer.”

The video doesn’t mention Mexico, the third member of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

A press release for the video highlights Canada’s impact on the Arizona economy, including 219 Canadian-owned businesses operating in the state that employ roughly 19,500 people here.

The embassy also asserts that Canadian trade and investment has created 146,800 jobs across the state and ends with a trivia quip: “Canada sells more to Arizona than it sells to the entirety of Australia.”

MORE:  Phoenix area attracting more Canadian residents, businesses

Last year, the United States. exported $341.2 billion worth of goods and services to Canada while importing $332.8 billion, for a surplus of $8.4 billion, according to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

President Donald Trump has long been critical of trade deals including NAFTA, claiming the U.S. has been taken advantage of by Canada and Mexico.

He and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have waged a war of words after Trump imposed tariffs on imported steel and aluminum that soured relations between the two nations.

Reach the reporter at [email protected] or 602-444-8616.


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