Republican Martha McSally and her rival, Democrat Sinema, debate health care on Oct. 15, 2018, during a debate for U.S. Senate.
Arizona Republic

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s allies have invested more by far in Arizona’s Senate race than any group as the race heads toward the finish line.

Political-action committees and a “social-welfare organization” with ties to the Kentucky Republican have brought nearly $9 million in outside spending to the race between Democrat Kyrsten Sinema and their preferred candidate, Republican Martha McSally.

Their impact is seen on screens across Arizona with ads from Defend Arizona, a PAC trashing Sinema as a radical liberal and in mailers evoking a nuclear attack on downtown Phoenix.

It is also reflected in polls showing a closer race than when Sinema painted herself on TV as a problem-solving moderate in ads beginning in the spring, while McSally battled through a hard-edged primary through the end of August.

Campaign-finance reports filed Monday make clearer how closely McSally’s campaign depends on McConnell’s efforts to keep the seat currently held by U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake in GOP hands.


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Defend Arizona, a relatively new super PAC originally headed by wealthy Arizona conservatives, had taken in $1.4 million by Aug. 8 and spent that not long after.

Within days, however, the organization had an influx of cash from the Senate Leadership Fund, another PAC with ties to McConnell.

On Aug. 10, the PAC received $800,000 from the SLF.

Three days later, the SLF sent more: $1.8 million.

Four days after that, the SLF gave Defend Arizona another $600,000.

In September, after McSally had dispatched rivals Kelli Ward and Joe Arpaio in the GOP primary, the SLF poured even more money into Defend Arizona.

Four payments over a three-week span dumped another $4.9 million into the effort to help McSally by hitting Sinema.

Chris Pack, a spokesman for the SLF, declined to comment.

READ MORE: How GOP hopes to get out the vote for McSally

Barrett Marson, a spokesman for Defend Arizona, said the outside money helped ensure McSally’s message would not be drowned out by other outsiders.

“This is one of the top races in the country, with (Senate Minority Leader) Chuck Schumer trying to influence the primary,” Marson said. “Everyone saw Martha McSally is the real deal and a force to be reckoned with.”

Sinema’s campaign said McConnell sees someone he can control in the Senate.

“Just yesterday Senator Mitch McConnell called for billions in cuts to Medicare and Social Security, so it’s no surprise his super PAC is spending millions of dollars in Arizona to try to hide Congresswoman McSally’s own harmful record on these issues,” said James Owens, a spokesman for the Sinema campaign.


U.S. Senate candidates Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema sounded off on President Trump and his vision for the United States during a debate on Oct. 15, 2018.
Arizona Republic

A powerful ally for McSally

McConnell has long been a powerful ally in McSally’s Senate campaign. Most polling suggests the race is tight, with Sinema holding a narrow lead. 

McConnell’s support comes at a time when his standing in GOP circles would seem on the rise.

Last year, he occasionally battled President Donald Trump and could not avert the surprise failure of the effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor.

More recently, McConnell kept his party’s support nearly intact to pass corporate tax cuts and the controversial confirmation for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

McConnell’s supporters have intervened in Arizona’s Senate race in other ways, too.

READ MORE: McSally, Schweikert touted by McConnell group

There was an estimated $579,000 in separate TV ads this summer from One Nation, a McConnell-aligned, non-profit, social-welfare organization, that praised McSally and fellow Republican U.S. Rep. David Schweikert. 

The SLF gave $55,000 to the group Arizonans for Life, a new PAC that spent nearly all of that against Ward, McSally’s chief opponent during the GOP primary.

The PAC formed on June 29 and terminated itself on Sept. 20. The SLF contribution was the only money that organization reported raising or spending.

The SLF also spent $19,000 directly against Ward when she was running against McSally.

If the cash pipeline has been sometimes hard to see, McConnell’s support for McSally has not.

Less than two weeks after his majority thinned with Republican Roy Moore’s December loss in Alabama, McConnell publicly supported McSally, who had not even formally declared she was running at that point.

“I and my allies will make every effort to make sure we have a nominee on the November ballot who can appeal to a general election audience,” he said at a time when Ward was the only Republican formally in the race.

READ MORE: McConnell lets slip McSally’s Senate secret

Arizona’s Senate race is one of the marquee battles in the nation this year. Democrats haven’t won a Senate campaign in Arizona since Dennis DeConcini won a third term in 1988. 

While there are growing signs Republicans may keep their Senate majority after the midterm elections, the PACs supporting McConnell are leaving nothing to chance.


U.S. Senate candidates Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema sounded off on the economy during a debate on Oct. 15, 2018.
Arizona Republic

Outside money rushes in

The Senate race has attracted more than $34 million in spending by outside groups so far. Of that, groups with McConnell ties account for at least $8.7 million. That doesn’t include the half-million One Nation spent.

It also doesn’t include the $5.9 million the National Republican Senatorial Committee, whose job is to expand McConnell’s majority, has poured into the race. By comparison, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has spent $3.1 million trying to help Sinema’s chances.

READ MORE: Senate poll: Sinema has edge over McSally

The outside money at least matches what the candidates themselves have spent on the race. 

Overall, Sinema has a small edge in spending by outside groups, $17 million compared to $15 million. More than 75 percent of that money has been spent opposing candidates, rather than supporting someone.

The SLF, with its ties to the man who heads the U.S. Senate, is unsurprisingly one of the most well-funded political operations in the country.

It raised $62 million through August.

Conservative casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife have given $25 million. Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of the Blackstone Group, one of the world’s largest private-equity firms, provided $5 million. 

The only Arizona contributor was Pinnacle West Capital Corp., the parent company to Arizona Public Service Co., which gave $50,000.

READ MORE: Fact-checking the McSally vs. Sinema debate

Through August, the SLF does not appear to have contributed directly to any other Senate campaign since the spring, when it sent $1.4 million to a PAC trying to shape the Republican primary in West Virginia.

The SLF will file its September activities later this week.


Republican candidate Martha McSally took on her rival, Democratic candidate Kyrsten Sinema, Oct. 15, 2018, during a debate for U.S. Senate in Arizona.
Arizona Republic, azcentral

Occasional mystery money

Defend Arizona formed in February and initially included contributions from establishment Republicans who sought to stave off what they viewed as unelectable candidates in their party, including now-President Trump. 

The group’s contributors included a heavy dose of money from Arizonans, including Randy Kendrick, Jim Click, Paul Baker and Jeff Whiteman.

READ MORE: McSally, Sinema test mettle in Senate debate

In September, the organization added $250,000 from Bob Parsons, the CEO of GoDaddy, and another $100,000 from Kendrick.

Defend Arizona also included earlier $100,000 contributions from mystery corporations Blue Magnolia Investments and Highway 76, whose true identities remained shrouded by Delaware’s confidentiality laws.

READ MORE: McSally, Sinema at odds over health care

An August complaint by the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center did lead Blue Magnolia to reveal last month who controlled it: Larry Van Tuyl, an Arizona billionaire who made his fortune owning car dealerships.

The day after the primary, Defend Arizona gave back the $100,000 it received from Highway 76.

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