Rep. Paul Gosar called the nation’s security agencies “bumbling bureaucracies” in a tweet Sunday that also accused some of the key figures from the special counsel’s investigation of “mind-numbing ass-hattery.”

The outburst from the five-term Arizona Republican came on his personal Twitter account, not the one associated with his congressional office.

“The incompetence and mind-numbing ass-hattery demonstrated frequently by (former FBI Director James) Comey, (former CIA Director John) Brennan, (former FBI special agent Peter) Strzok etc al (sic) leaves us convinced our security agencies are bumbling bureaucracies,” Gosar wrote.

READ: On Mueller report, Arizona’s delegation’s common ground: Make it public

It also comes amid a tense silent period as Congress — and the public — await the findings of Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible obstruction of the subsequent investigation by President Donald Trump.

Mueller, the Justice Department’s special counsel, submitted his findings to Attorney General William Barr on Friday. Barr’s office is expected to release a summary or redacted version of the report soon.

Gosar’s tweet responded to a tweet from controversial right-wing personality Mike Cernovich, who pointed to a prediction by Brennan in early March that Mueller would indict Trump and his family.

Mueller has indicated there are no further indictments coming from his investigation, seemingly making such dire predictions wrong, at least from Mueller’s legal team.

“Brennan was the top of the food chain, the best the ‘intelligence community’ had to offer,” Cernovich wrote in his tweet. “We are not safe. Terrorists are watching and waiting and are inspired by Brennan and Comey. God help all of us.”

Gosar seemed to agree, noting in his tweet, “This is precisely the problem.”

Gosar, who represents northwestern Arizona, was among a handful of members of Congress who didn’t support a resolution urging public release of the Mueller report. The House voted 42-0 to do so; Gosar voted “present.”

His insults directed at the FBI and CIA reflect a view by some conservatives that the entire Mueller probe was tainted by bias against Trump within those agencies.

On the political left, some sought to justify the investigation and long-standing distrust of Trump.

About the same time as Gosar’s tweet, Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., tweeted that Trump “is an unindicted co-conspirator in a massive scheme to commit campaign finance fraud.”

That is a reference to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s guilty pleas in the cover-up of payments made to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels on behalf of Trump in the final days of the 2016 presidental campaign. 

Reach the reporter Ronald J. Hansen at [email protected] or 602-444-4493. Follow him on Twitter @ronaldjhansen.

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