A group of 16 people gathered Saturday night in front of the Arizona Workers Memorial at the state Capitol in solidarity for those who were hurt at a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The candlelight vigil was organized by a local Democratic Socialists of America chapter. Jake Bell, an organizer, said two Richmond-based DSA members were injured while fighting against white-supremacists during the rally. 

“(The violent rally) hollowed a lot of us,” Bell said of the organization.

On Saturday morning, a driver crashed into a crowd of protesters leaving the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Police said a 32-year-old woman was killed and 19 people were injured. 

READ MORE: Car rams Charlottesville crowd after protests: What we know now

David Mittleman was among those who attended the Phoenix vigil. He said he is Jewish and that the violence in Virginia has made him more pessimistic about the U.S. than he has ever been. 

Mittleman grew up in a small town in Kansas. He said his grandfathers fought in World War II, and he had believed hatred toward Jews, LGBT individuals and other marginalized groups was fading in America. 

“Now that we have to fight them here in our own land, it’s very unsettling,” he said. 

President Donald Trump during a news conference reacted to the rally Saturday afternoon saying, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides.” 

Kelly Devos, who came to the vigil with her teenage daughter, Evelyn, called Trump’s comment “pretty inflammatory.” 

“(Trump’s comment) makes it seem like the people that were protesting racism are the morally equal of the people that are racists, and that’s just not the case,” Devos said. 

During the vigil, the group spent about 10 minutes holding candles and praying for Charlottesville in silence. A few of them were weeping, and others were holding signs that were intended to send a message to white-supremacists.

The signs read: “White People Stop White Supremacy,” “Mourn The Martyred, Fight Like Hell For The Living,” and “Death to Fascism, Freedom for the People.” 


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Ohio man faces charges in fatal Charlottesville vehicle attack

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