By: Bonnie Joy Dewkett
We all know what spring cleaning involves dusting the baseboards and washing the linens. However, there are a few things you may have been putting off and simply let fall between the cracks entirely. Here are a few suggestions of things to tackle this spring that will help you live safer, simpler and, of course, cleaner lives.
- Start making your bed if you don’t already. It gives the room a fresh feel and makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something right away.
- If you have trouble finding time to do things like stretch, floss, etc. Make yourself a chart. So many adults have a hard time finding time to do these things and at the end of the day, when they are tired, they just collapse into bed.
- Make appointments with yourself for organizing, working out, and cleaning. You don’t miss an appointment with your boss, so don’t miss them with yourself.
- Take care of small things in the spring that go over looked: polish your shoes, dry clean your winter coats, have your jewelry cleaned. These all give you a fresh start to the new season.
- Spring is a great time of year to attack that sock drawer and underwear drawer and get rid of anything that isn’t pretty or in good shape.
- Start keeping a freezer inventory list. This makes sure you eat what you’ve bought, make healthy meals, and don’t rebuy what you already have.
- Clean out your dryer vents. They can be a fire hazard and they are often overlooked.
- Practice your fire evacuation procedures. Take the time to go over these with your family as they can save your life. If you don’t have escape ladders in your second floor rooms purchase them. Also, update your fire extinguishers and replace batteries in smoke detectors.
- Send some handwritten notes you’ve been meaning to send.
- Schedule a lunch date with a friend that you had been procrastinating. You will be glad you did!
About the Author
Bonnie Joy Dewkett, CPO® is an organizing expert, author, and motivational speaker. Her company, The Joyful Organizer®, creates and implements organizational systems for the home or office. Bonnie has achieved the designation of Certified Professional Organizer, CPO®, from The Board of Certification for Professional Organizers. She is a member of The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) and has published The Joyful Organizer’s Guide to a Joyful Move, which is available on her website: www.thejoyfulorganizer.com.
10 Nontraditional Spring Cleaning Ideas
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