Police were called to check on a young entrepreneur after a new sign for his roadside business made people driving by do a double take.
What they saw: A child on the side of the street with a sign that said “ICE COLD BEER.”
What it really was: A clever new “marketing strategy” for his root beer stand, police said.
Police in Brigham City, Utah, say they responded to multiple calls after people reported seeing the young boy apparently selling brews on the side of the road.
However, when officers responded, they discovered the sign actually advertised root beer — it’s just the “root” was in tiny font.
The child came up with “a twist on a lemonade stand,” the department wrote in a now viral Facebook post on Tuesday. “Yep, he’s selling beer … ROOT BEER, that is. His marketing strategy has resulted in several calls to the BCPD, but apparently it’s paid off as business has been good.”
Lt. Tony Ferderber told KSTU-TV in Salt Lake City that the department received three calls in two days about the boy’s sign.
Speaking with the TV station, the boy, named Seth, said he thought of the “hilarious joke.”
“Ice cold beer, because it’s beer, but some people will find it funny because it’s root beer,” he told the TV station.
And in the summer heat, business is booming.
“We had to buy another cooler,” he told KSTU-TV.
Follow USA TODAY’s Ryan Miller on Twitter @RyanW_Miller
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