Thomas Rhett helps couple get engaged at Country Thunder Arizona
Guys, you’ve been put to shame.
One Phoenix lovebird successfully pulled off an epically elaborate marriage proposal during Day 3 of Country Thunder Arizona on Saturday night, with a little help from ACM Male Vocalist of the year Thomas Rhett and a local radio station.
Jesse Stradling, 29, of Gilbert, dropped to one knee in the backstage meet and greet area in front of Rhett. Girlfriend Michelle McCunn, 32, of Twinsburg, Ohio, who had no idea she was even going to meet the Country Thunder headliner — who is also her favorite artist — gleefully accepted.
“It’s exactly what I wanted!” said McCunn, of her sparkly new ring. Then laughing, “He (had) told me no.”
Careful planning
The proposal took about a month to plan, and started when Stradling, who is in law enforcement, showed up in his work uniform at the KMLE Country 107.9 FM offices. He told the station he wanted to propose to his girlfriend of four years on their anniversary. He said they started dating at Country Thunder. And, he wanted to make it special.
The radio station then contacted Rhett’s people and worked out a fitting cover story.
The plan was put in motion at about noon Saturday.
Jared Marshall, KMLE’s midday host and assistant program director, drove out to Stradling’s campsite with morning personality Chris Matthews. The two told Stradling, and a surprised McCunn, that their electronic wristbands had been randomly selected by the station to receive a personal tour later that evening of Country Thunder’s VIP and backstage area.
Plus, they said, the couple had won reserved seats in the VIP section in front of the stage.
The “tour” was timed so that the couple arrived at the meet and greet tent just as Rhett was done signing autographs.
Stradling said he was so nervous that he hadn’t been able to eat all day.
“Do you know how hard this was to keep a secret?” he asked McCunn as they kissed.
When asked which was better – getting to meet her favorite artist or getting engaged, McCunn paused for a moment, and then started laughing.
“I’d say getting engaged,” she said. “Because that is a moment (meeting Rhett.) This is the rest of my life with him.”
After the proposal, there was yet another surprise waiting for both Stradling and McCunn: They didn’t have seats in the VIP area after all. Instead, they were escorted to seats on the stage to watch the show, where Rhett was due to perform the ACM’s Song of the Year “Die a Happy Man.”
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