Stevie Nicks has joined the ranks of people sharing TikTok videos of “Dreams,” a trend that started in September with a viral video of Nathan Apodaca skateboarding in Idaho while chugging Ocean Spray cranberry juice from a bottle and listening to “Dreams,” eventually singing along.
Nicks, of course, has a bit of a personal history with that single, a chart-topping triumph she wrote and recorded as part of Fleetwood Mac’s most famous album, the beyond-iconic Grammy-winning, 20-times-platinum “Rumours.”
Last week, her bandmate Mick Fleetwood got in on the action, joining TikTok just to chug from a bottle of Ocean Spray cranberry juice while appearing to skateboard down the path to “Dreams.”
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Now Nicks has shared her version, lacing up her roller skates at the piano bench while singing along to a signature song she recorded a lifetime ago — 1976, to be exact.
Sadly, we don’t get to see the Phoenix native roller skate, but we’ll assume she did that when her iPhone camera wasn’t rolling just for fun.
There’s also a bottle of Ocean Spray cranberry juice in the shot, but it’s just sitting on the floor untouched beside her record player.
“Afternoon vibe. Lace ’em up!” Nicks wrote, adding “#Dreams #FleetwoodMac #CranberryDreams” and Apodaca’s TikTok handle, @420doggface208.
Reach the reporter at [email protected] or 602-444-4495. Follow him on Twitter @EdMasley.
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