A Phoenix man was arrested on Friday on suspicion of killing his 21-year-old daughter, according to the Phoenix Police Department.

The victim, Vanessa Comer, was brought to the hospital by her caretaker father, Richard Comer, in a severe state of malnutrition and dehydration on July 7, 2018, according to Phoenix Police Sgt. Vince Lewis. 

She was pronounced dead at the hospital the same day, Lewis said.

Vanessa was completely dependent on her father due to a serious medical condition, Lewis said. She relied on him for total care, nutrition and transportation to the doctor.

For about three months, Richard failed to provide any care for his daughter until he brought her to the hospital after finding her unresponsive in their trailer near 2500 West Louise Drive in north Phoenix, Lewis said.

Police responded to the hospital to investigate Vanessa’s death, and over the course of the investigation, the Maricopa Office of the Medical Examiner told Phoenix police her death was ruled as a homicide.

Phoenix police arrested Richard on June 21 at 4:45 p.m. and he was booked into jail on one count of second-degree murder and vulnerable adult abuse, Lewis said.

Animal abuse was also added due to the two malnourished and dehydrated dogs found inside the Comer residence during the investigation, Lewis added.

Richard is being held on a $500,000 cash only bond, and his initial court appearance is set for June 28.

Breaking News Intern Aubrey Carpenter can be reached at [email protected] and can be followed at aubreycarp1.

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