Theft is a seemingly inevitable enemy to holiday light displays, but new technology such as doorbell cameras and virtual neighborhood watch networks offer hope in nabbing those who steal our holiday cheer.
Tempe resident Mike Schember experienced such disappointment in October when a thief absconded with one of the Halloween inflatables he’d purchased just three days earlier to entertain his children.
“It spoiled my taste on putting decorations out, especially when we spent a lot of money and my kids were so excited,” he said.
Schember caught video of the crime from his doorbell camera. He shared the video on Nextdoor, a social media site for neighborhoods, after he heard that others nearby had decorations stolen the same night. He also reported it to police, but no one has been caught.
Decorations theft is common during the holiday season, but new doorbell cameras with networked technology are helping catch thieves.
Madeline Johnson, Mike S.
“I’ve already looked at getting better cameras with high-power facial recognition, but it’s really just to raise awareness more than anything.”
Captured on camera!
Although it didn’t pan out for Schember, Phoenix Police Sgt. Vincent Lewis said homeowner surveillance footage is increasingly helping police find thieves. Some cameras snag up-close images of thieves; others capture images of vehicles.
The key is to share information — with police and online.
“When we hear a success story where neighbors come together, it’s typically because they share information. They post video on closed networks, or put out surveillance videos and pictures on Nextdoor.com,” Lewis said.
Lewis said police have seen more reported thefts as holiday decorations become more advanced, whether inflatable Santas or LED light projectors.
“These things were getting ripped right out of people’s lawns and people would go sell them,” he said.
6 tips to consider
There is a certain level of risk taken when leaving property unattended, but a few pointers from Lewis can help deter holiday thieves from your light display:
1. Shut down at night: If lights are flashing and drawing attention all night when you’re asleep, they’re likelier to attract thieves. Set a timer to turn off displays during the wee hours of the night.
2. Set up surveillance: Home surveillance can increase the chance of catching thieves and recovering items. Doorbell cameras are becoming more common and affordable, and retail for as low as $99. Options such as Ring let you upload footage to online neighborhood networks and share with local police.
3. Crime-proof your yard: Trimmed bushes and motion-activated lights are two environmental design tips on the Chandler police department website.
4. Consider bringing in valuable items at night. Consider ways to make your more valuable decorations mobile to bring in before bed.
5. Stay connected: It is common for decoration thieves to hit more than one property in a neighborhood. Staying connected with neighbors and sharing information and video footage can help identify faces and vehicles to share with police.
6. Report, report, report: Report all theft, no matter how big or small. “If you don’t report, we won’t know,” Lewis said.
Reach the reporter at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter: @madelineroseej.
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