Four family members are dead and another is injured after a shooting on Tuesday night in a west Phoenix home, police said.

Phoenix police officers responded to a shooting call shortly before 7 p.m. on Tuesday near 62nd Avenue and Elm Street.

Isaias Tovar Sr., 62, and 66-year-old Delia Noriega were found dead at the home. Isaias Tovar Jr., 31, and 26-year-old Gilbert Gonzalez were found critically wounded at the home and died at hospitals. A wounded 19-year-old man was hospitalized in stable condition and expected to survive, police said.

The evidence indicates that Gonzalez had been drinking and making suicidal statements prior to shooting his grandparents, Isaias Sr. and Noriega; his uncle, Isaias Jr.; and the family member who survived, Phoenix police spokesperson Sgt. Ann Justus said on Wednesday afternoon.

At some point during the shooting, one of the family members returned fire, striking Gonzalez, Justus said.

Police, including rifle-toting officers in tactical gear and some with dogs, earlier were seen searching neighboring homes. Detectives were still on the scene of the crime Wednesday processing evidence.

The area of West Elm Street, where the house is located, was still taped off as of 11 a.m. Wednesday while police investigated.

No additional information was immediately available on the circumstances of the incident.

The Associated Press contributed to this article. 

Reach breaking news reporter Peiyu Lin at [email protected] or on Twitter @peiyulintw. Reach reporter Connor Van Ligten at [email protected] or on Twitter @Connor_VL. 

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