This is the 25th year of the Republic’s Season for Sharing. Learn all about the campaign here.
Wochit/TreNesha Striggles

Owners of Dig It Gardens believe that plants grow people.

By donating part of their sales to Season for Sharing they hope to impact local nonprofits and inspire other small businesses to do the same.

Beginning Saturday, Nov. 24, and lasting until the end of January, the Phoenix garden center at 3015 N. 16th St. will donate 2 percent of its weekend sales to The Republic-sponsored Season for Sharing campaign.  

“Our business model is heavily predicated on working with the community. From actively working with charities to offering classes or events, and with Season for Sharing our donation gets distributed to a wide range of charities,” co-owner Ryan Jerrell said.

“Season for Sharing is Arizona-based, the money raised goes to Arizona-based charities, Arizona is where I’m from, and it’s where I want to give back.”

Jerrell, who has been in the plant business for 20 years, and his wife, Jessica, an account executive at The Republic, opened Dig it Gardens three years ago.  

Their give-back campaign kicks off on Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to supporting small businesses and communities nationwide.

As a small business that thrives from local support, Jerrell said the decision to give a percentage of their weekend sales to Season for Sharing came naturally.

“We’re a small local business and we’re giving back through a program that gives back to local charities, it’s full circle,” Jerrell said.

Season for Sharing raises awareness and money for non-profit agencies that help children and families, boost education and support the elderly.

Since 1993, Season for Sharing has made grants totaling more than $64 million to hundreds of agencies around the state that help those in need.

If your business would like to partner with Season for Sharing email [email protected] or call 602-444-8764.

How to donate to Season for Sharing

There are five ways to donate: 

  • Shop each weekend at Dig It Gardens, 3015 N. 16th St., Phoenix.
  • Fill out the online form at
  • Use the coupon on 4A of The Arizona Republic and mail donations to P.O. Box 29250, Phoenix, AZ 85038-9250.
  • Text “sharing” to 91-999 and click on the link in the text message.
  • Click on the “donate” button at

Where the money goes

It all stays in Arizona. One hundred percent of your donations and the matching funds go directly to nonprofit agencies in the state. All overhead and fundraising costs are paid by The Arizona Republic/

Matching your donation

The Gannett Foundation and the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust will multiply your donation by matching your gift 50 cents on the dollar up to $600,000.


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