Arizona State football is coming to a home box office near you next month.

But you can already take a sneak peek at the show.

HBO released its official trailer for its “24/7 College Football” show on Thursday, and after showing images of Florida, Penn State, ASU and Washington State’s stadiums, it lead off with Sun Devils coach Herm Edwards instructing his team at a practice and talking about his coaching philosophy in his office.

“Our quest here is very simple,” Edwards said in the trailer. “Put them in position to be better men when they leave this institution.”

You can watch the trailer for the show here.

ASU is one of four college football teams to be featured in the show, a new documentary series by HBO.

The network had a film crew on hand for three Sun Devil practices in August. 

The series will follow each team for one week, chronicling its preparation up to game day.

The Sun Devils will be featured the week leading up to their game against Washington State on Oct. 12. It will debut on Oct. 16.

The series will be narrated by Liev Schreiber, the voice of HBO Sports’ Emmy-award winning documentaries and the 24/7 and Hard Knocks franchises.

The series will also be available on HBO On Demand, HBO NOW, HBO GO and partners’ streaming platforms.

Florida will be the first team up with its week week featured being the lead up to the Sept. 28 game against Towson State. It will debut on Oct. 2

Penn State is second with it featured leading up to the Oct. 5 game against Purdue with an air date starting on Oct. 9..

The final team, Washington State, will be featured the week it plays Colorado and begin airing on Oct. 23.

The Arizona Republic’s Michelle Gardner contributed to this story.