Blind football player Adonis Watt scored a touchdown for Brophy Prep in a freshman game vs. Mountain View
Arizona Republic

This time there were no gifts.

Blind Phoenix Brophy Prep running back Adonis Watt, whose story was chronicled by azcentral sports on Sept. 6, ran for two touchdowns in a freshman football game last week against Mesa Mountain View.

The touchdown runs were from 1 and 3 yards and the Mountain View players were defending, Brophy freshman coach Scott Heideman said.

“ALL EARNED!!,” Heideman wrote in an email about Watt’s touchdowns.

In Watt’s first high school football game, Gilbert Highland, realizing that Watt was blind, opened up its defense in the final minute to let Watt run for a 45-yard touchdown.

‘Blind courage’: Unable to see, Brophy Prep’s Adonis Watt plays running back


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“We didn’t even tell the officials this game,” Heideman said.

Watt doesn’t want to be given any freebies in life. He wants to earn everything on the field.

And how did he feel afterwards about earning those TDs?

“Adonis in his typical tone, ‘Felt good,’ like no big deal,” Heideman said. “He makes me forget every day that he can’t see.”


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Adonis Watt has never let his inability to see stop him. And last week he stepped onto the field for the first time to play high school football.
Arizona Republic