THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: Health care in Congress and school voucher expansion | 3:54
The Republic’s political team on April 11, 2017, talks about “zombie” health care reform in Congress, and the expansion of the school voucher program headed by Gov. Doug Ducey.
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THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: Is the filibuster busted and will Michele Reagan show us the money? | 3:59
The Republic’s political team on April 4, 2017, talks about the state of the filibuster and the latest on Secretary of State Michele Reagan’s “Show Me the Money” campaign.
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THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: Teacher raises, ACA repeal and ballot initiatives | 4:14
The Republic’s political team on March 28, 2017, talks about funding for teacher raises in the state budget, what comes next after the non-vote on the ‘Obamacare’ repeal bill in Congress and proposed restrictions on citizen initiatives in Arizona.
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THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: Federal budget and few women in the Legislature | 3:47
The Republic’s political team on March 21, 2017, talks about the possible impact on the president’s blueprint for a budget, and the lack of female representation in Arizona’s legislative leadership.
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THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: Obamacare replacement, George W. in town and TANF benefits | 3:42
The Republic’s political team on March 14, 2017, talks about how much of Arizona’s delegation has been quiet about the “Obamacare” replacement, but even Republicans don’t seem to like it.
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THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: Tax that did not get cut, tweets from Gosar and a non-job | 4:57
The Republic’s political team on March 8, 2017, talks about the latest political news affecting Arizona, including a failed tax-cut bill, a congressman’s tweets and how a former state senator isn’t working at the White House after all.
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THE GAGGLE: TALKING POLITICS EVERY WEEK WITH THE AZCENTRAL TEAMThe Gaggle: SB 1142 is dead and town halls get rowdy | 4:12
The Republic’s political team on March 1, 2017, talks about the latest political news affecting Arizona, including the state of Senate Bill 1142 and the rowdy crowds at U.S. Rep. Martha McSally’s Town Hall.
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The Republic’s political team on Feb. 21, 2017, talks about recent political news, including Trump’s Arizona announcement about Intel, McCain and Obamacare, and House Bill 2404 targeting voter initiatives.
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The Republic’s political team on Feb. 6, 2017, talks about the latest political news affecting Arizona, including how much debt is too much for the state and which lawmaker wants to be shot.
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Last VideoNext Video
The Gaggle: Health care in Congress and school voucher expansion
The Gaggle: Is the filibuster busted and will Michele Reagan show us the money?
The Gaggle: Teacher raises, ACA repeal and ballot initiatives
The Gaggle: Federal budget and few women in the Legislature
The Gaggle: Obamacare replacement, George W. in town and TANF benefits
The Gaggle: Tax that did not get cut, tweets from Gosar and a non-job
The Gaggle: SB 1142 is dead and town halls get rowdy
The Gaggle: Bigfooted, McCain and HB 2404
The Gaggle: How much debt is too much?
Bernie Sanders, the left-leaning senator from Vermont who shook up last year’s Democratic presidential primaries, will join Tom Perez, the national party’s new chairman, in Mesa next Friday as part of their “Come Together and Fight Back Tour.”
The rally at the Mesa Amphitheatre, 263 N. Center St., is part of an effort that the Democratic Party says is aimed at strengthening its presence in each of the 50 states and building a party that “focuses on grassroots activism and the needs of working families.”
The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Anyone interested in attending must RSVP at this DNC webpage.
Sanders, who made several campaign stops in Arizona last year both on behalf of his own candidacy and, later, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, is a favorite of the party’s progressive wing.
Perez, who served as President Barack Obama’s secretary of Labor, prevailed in a competitive race to become Democratic National Committee chairman. Perez, who was supported by the Obama-Clinton wing of the party, defeated Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, who was widely seen as the Sanders-style candidate.
“This past election cycle, the Arizona Democratic Party laid the groundwork to break the Republican stronghold on Arizona, so much so that we outperformed several traditional blue states,” Alexis Tameron, Arizona Democratic Party chairwoman, said in a written statement. “We know our work is not yet done, but I’m thrilled to welcome Chairman Perez and Senator Sanders, two proven leaders who understand how critical the Grand Canyon State will be for the future of this party.”
Topics at the rally will include, per a DNC news release, “raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, pay equity for women, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, combating climate change, making public colleges and universities tuition-free, criminal justice reform, comprehensive immigration reform and tax reform which demands that the wealthy and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes.”
In the 2016 election, President Donald Trump carried Arizona over Clinton. But his win was narrow for a state that traditionally goes red in presidential elections: 49.03 percent to 45.46 percent.
Nowicki is The Arizona Republic’s national political reporter. Follow him on Twitter at @dannowicki and on his official Facebook page.
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