
Arizona State is shifting its final spring football practice to March 28 at Sun Devil Stadium and will allow a limited number of fans to attend.

The 1 p.m. practice is free to the pubic with tickets available in pods of up to six.

Tickets can be requested through Sunday using password GODEVILS. They will be sent electronically on March 24. 

ASU recently began allowing a limited number of fans at baseball, softball and soccer (also at Sun Devil Stadium) games in accordance with its COVID protocols including masks at all times except when eating or drinking.

Spring football practice was scheduled to end March 27 without any fans in attendance. The March 28 finale will have some scrimmage elements but is not an actual spring game in line with recent years. 

Reach the reporter at [email protected] or 602-444-8053. Follow him on Twitter @jeffmetcalfe.


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