
By the time she’d reached her senior year at Arizona School for the Arts, Taylor Upsahl had convinced her parents that the wisest course of action was to spend the first year after graduation doing everything she could to break into the music industry.
“My family is so dope,” she says. “They were like ‘Hell yeah, whatever you need to do that’s gonna make you happy, we’ll support you.’”
The singer-songwriter, who dropped her first name to avoid confusion with other Taylors, graduated high school in 2017.
By February, she’d managed to sign her first publishing deal – with Universal Music Publishing Group, whose clients include Elton John and Adele.
In early November, at 19, she released “The Other Team,” a contagious first single on Arista Records, the label that famously launched Whitney Houston’s career, among others.
She’d been doing writing sessions every day in L.A. through her publishing company when her manager called to ask if she’d be interested in meeting David Massey, a veteran record executive who at the time was running Island Records.
“So I flew to New York to meet with him and we instantly clicked,” she says. “Like, I could tell that he just really got what I was trying to do.”
Upsahl on signing to Arista Records
By their second meeting, he was president and CEO of the rejuvenated Arista.
“We went and got lunch,” Upsahl says. “And it was at a time where I was going into sessions, writing all these songs but was still kind of lost as to how I was supposed to get the sound that I wanted across when I was with a different person every day because I didn’t really know how to articulate that to myself.”
But by the time that lunch was over, she could tell that Massey got those things she couldn’t quite articulate. He also offered her a major-label deal.

“And I was like, ‘Well, duh,’” she recalls with a laugh.
“Obviously, Arista is a huge name and David Massey is a huge name who just got what I was trying to do. It’s not every day that you get a label that’s down to let the artist be the artist that they want to be and they’re not trying to put their artists into a certain box or make them be something that they’re not.”
So Upsahl signed to Arista and “it’s been super dope ever since.”
She just released her first big-budget video, for instance, with an actual crew.
“I’m so used to DIY-ing it with amazing people,” she says. “So it was crazy to have people run the show and all I had to worry about was just being myself.”
Arista on Upsahl ticking every box
Evan Lipschutz, the label’s senior vice president of A&R, says what initially attracted Arista to Upsahl was a combination of “great songwriting and a unique lyrical perspective.”
Then, they met.
“And we were like, ‘Whoa, she’s just the coolest kid,'” he says. “Then we started seeing her videos. They were just beautifully shot and she looked amazing on camera. So just the combination of all those things and her ambition to be a big star, it ticked every box including the X-factor box.”
Asked what he means by the X-factor box, he says, “It’s just that thing that whenever she walks into a room, she commands the room. She’s gorgeous but you know, also really cool-looking. Just naturally charismatic.”

The key to making her as big a star as she intends to be, he says, is all about exposing people to her music.
“Ever since ‘The Other Team’ came out,” he says, “her monthly listenership has gone up 100,000, which is small numbers. But coming from 8,000 to 108,000 over the course of a week is a big jump, so we need to keep putting out music and introducing people to it, because when people hear her and then see her, everyone falls in love with her.”
In the meantime, she’s still doing writing sessions.
“I’m kind of taking a break right now for the holidays,” she says.
“But I’m still writing on my own and learning to produce. This year, I’ve been doing, like five to six sessions a week, which is really dope. I’ve just been meeting as many writers and producers as possible, so that hopefully next year, I can kind of just go back with the people that I know I work well with now that I met everyone.”
‘The Other Team’ could win it all
Her first Arista single is from a writing session she did before she’d even had a chance to move to California.
“I was just on a writing trip to L.A.,” she recalls.
“It was the end of a trip, my final session of the month. And normally I try to have an idea for sessions. But that day, I had nothing. I just kind of came in with the little vocal sample that you hear in the beginning. We were rolling with that for a sec when I said, ‘Let’s write a song about falling in love with a gay guy.’”
Five hours later, Upsahl says, they had “The Other Team.”
An early demo of that single was among the first songs she showed Massey.
“He was like, ‘This is so dope. We need to put this out,’” Upsahl says.
They haven’t gone to radio yet with the single and that may not even happen.
“We’re gonna put out the live-action video after Thanksgiving,” Lipschutz says. “And once we start to gauge the reaction and see if there’s chart activity or anything like that, after the holidays, we’ll decide whether or not we’re gonna go to radio.”
Big plans for UPSAHL in 2019
He’s already focused on the second single, “Drugs,” which hits the streets in January with an EP due to drop in February and a full-length album or EP to follow before the year is out.
“I feel like with the streaming world, it’s really difficult as a starting artist to put out a full-length album,” Upsahl says.
“If I’m in love with, like, track seven on an album, maybe it won’t get the attention I want it to get if it’s just sitting on an album. So I think I’m just gonna start doing singles and EPs to start but I love the idea of doing a concept album or something in the future.”

She’s also going out in March on tours with Wafia and Max Frost and doing a week at South By Southwest.
“It’ll be a good month,” Upsahl says.
In the meantime, she’s been getting really positive reactions to “The Other Team,” with Billboard praising its “instantly catchy chorus” and adding “the vocals sound refined enough to be taken for an industry mainstay.”
As Upshal sums up the reaction, “Everyone has been super dope about it with the write-ups and the blogs. I got to work with Tidal, Pandora and Billboard, which is amazing. So the industry has just been super awesome. And it did pretty well in the streaming world in its first few days, which is dope.”
She also likes the fact that people seem to understand the humor in the lyrics, even if it sometimes takes a minute.
It’s not entirely clear what the song is about in the opening verse, she says. “And then in verse two, where I’m like, ‘And then he walks right past me towards another man / Didn’t notice me,’ they’re like ‘Ohhhh.’ So just watching that click in people’s heads is funny.”
Upsahl on family and Phoenix
Phoenix clearly played a huge role in the Upsahl story. She was 14 when she started making records, earning airplay, press and a spot more than once on the McDowell Mountain Music Festival.
“I’m just super thankful for the way I started into music,” she says. “Having the most supportive family in the world and then the Phoenix music scene was just so amazing to me, all the radio stations, the music writers, the venues and the other bands, it was just such a nice place to start.”
That made the move to L.A. quite a challenge.
“Everyone in L.A. is doing music,” she says, “And you start to go crazy. You’re like ‘Can I actually make this work for myself?’ because So-and-So over here is way further along in their musical journey than I am. I was just so caught up in comparing myself to others. It really makes you second guess yourself.”
That’s why it meant so much to have a label come along and tell her “We can make this work.”
It’s reassuring, Upsahl says, “to know you’re not crazy to think that you can pursue this. It’s nice to have a team that’s so amazing and so passionate helping me do what I want to do. And they don’t make me do anything that I don’t want to do. They just let me be me.”
Upsahl on her signing party
Arista was founded by Clive Davis in 1974 and closed in 2011. It was relaunched earlier this year – which led to something of a muted signing celebration for the 19-year-old Upsahl.
“It was super low-key,” she recalls, with a laugh.
“Like, there was no office for me to fly out to and have a signing party. So I literally went into the Fed Ex down the street from my house in L.A. and signed it by myself and then went home and threw a party at my house with my roommates.”
Her roommates are “super dope and supportive,” she says. “But it was funny because growing up I’m always like ‘Oh, when I sign a record deal, it’s gonna be this whole thing. And there’s gonna be champagne and whatever at the label.’ I was signing it in Fed Ex.”
As for the future, Upsahl says, “I just want to make music my lifelong career. I want to be at a point in my life where I’m able to play headlining shows at arenas, sharing my music with as many people as possible. And Arista is big on that and making sure that I just stay my most authentic version of myself throughout the process.”
On staying authentically Upsahl
How does Upsahl plan to stay the most authentic version of herself?
“I think that’s a challenge for any career,” she replies. “This whole year has just been one crazy transitioning thing after another. The most important thing for me is just surrounding myself with the people that keep me grounded, like my family and my best friends, and they do a really good job of being brutally honest.”
It’s important, she says, to surround herself with people to keep her in check.
“Because the music industry is a very brutal and crazy place,” she says. “And I feel like it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of everything. But to have your people at the end of the day who could be like, ‘Taylor, you need to stop being whatever,’ I think that’s what’s going to be most important.”
Of course, it also helps to have some people in your corner who believe the hype. And Lipschutz is no shrinking violet in the hype department.
“Look, I wish we were talking about ‘How does it feel for her to have sold her first million?” or whatever,” he tells me. “But we’ll get there on the next one.”
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