My heart leapt when I saw the package in my mailbox.
I had known my friend Regina was sewing masks. We’d texted about places to find material. But I wasn’t expecting her to send me any.
Not only did she send me masks, she made some specifically for me, the fabric printed with things I love: tap dancing, stars, newsprint, dogs, art and words.
A few weeks later, I was surprised to get another package in the mail.
This one was from my friend Rhonda. She’d received a package of Regina’s masks, too. Rhonda was so touched, she wrote in the card, that she was inspired to do the same.
“So I am sharing my new favorite thing,” Rhonda wrote. Inside was a small zippered fabric wallet. It was purple, my favorite color.
Rhonda clipped hers to a lanyard. “It’s perfect for a grocery store run or food pickup!” she wrote.
Underneath, she wrote, “Here’s my thought for the day that I’ve been sharing: ‘The greater the storm, the brighter the rainbow!’
“It’s going to be glorious, and we are stronger than the storm! We need to find a way to enjoy the journey! Thank you for being there always!”
I blinked back tears.
The small, unexpected packages provoked big feelings. I felt loved and cared for.
Later, Rhonda told me it was as much fun to give as to receive.
I would do the same. I looked online at puzzles and pop-up cards.
The next day, when I went to my mom’s house, she showed me a bag filled with knitted dish scrubbies she’d been making. Did I want any?
Did I ever. Green ones for Regina. Blue for Rhonda. Oh, Carrie would like bright pink. Red for Ally.
I’ll send these out and, in a couple of weeks, the puzzles.
I am missing so many people. I can’t hug them, but I can do this. For now, it’s enough.
Reach Karina Bland at [email protected]. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter @KarinaBland.
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