YORK COUNTY, Pa. — A monster, record-setting catfish was recently caught in Susquehanna River, south of Lower Bear Island in York County.

According to media reports, Jeff Bonawitz of East Lampeter Township reeled in a 50-pound, three-and-half feet long catfish on April 6.

Bonawitz caught the fish on a live bluegill bait. 

“When it finally came up to the top, we thought it might be a mermaid,” Bonawitz jokingly told WPMT FOX43. “I’ve fished the Susquehanna for years and I’ve never caught anything quite like it.”

The previous Pennsylvania catfish record was a 48-pounder caught in Blue Marsh Spillway in Berks County back in 2006. 

Upon getting the fish officially weighed and measured, Bonawitz released the fish back into the water. 


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